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Message: Health Care Reform - Government Reform First

Health Care Reform - Government Reform First

posted on Aug 11, 2009 06:51PM

I come down on both sides of the health care debate as I want people to be able to afford their health care, but I KNOW that government administered health insurance will likely result in a single payer system and will likley NEVER be undone, despite the inevitable largesse and failure and corruption that will be created through it.

Here's how I look at it. If I were a contractor, and you hired me to build you a 2-car garage, and I promised you I would do it for $100K and it would take me 4 months and it would be take care of all of your needs, and instead I built you a 1-car carport and it cost $500K and took me 1 year, and you had to allow your neighbor to park his motorcycle in there as well, would you hire me to remodel your kitchen?

Essentially, this is what our Federal Government is asking us to do. They have enacted program after program, with promises of effiiciency, certain costs and time benefits, and certain services, and yet delivered either short of their promises or something different or expanded on their original promises, and almost always taking longer and costing huge amounts more. We see these problems in Soc Sec, Medicare, Education, Infrastructure, etc. etc. etc. It is the nature of the political beast that what is promised is corrupted in its execution. I'd venture to guess the failure to success rates along these lines is 75-25 at best.

Most of us agree that there can and should be some reform in health care delivery and financing, with a goal toward always improving on the level and quality of the actual health care that is delivered and financed during the time that we're improving on that delivery and financing. Much can be done by rewriting regulations, eliminating competitive restrictions, and requiring certain basic levels of coverage and eliminating pre-existing restrictions. It is the governments role to legislate and regulate, NOT to become an insurance company. Why wouldn't we require them to focus on reforming the laws that have allowed the insurance companies and the health care deliverers and even us as patients, to create this mess as it is now, instead of allowing them to encumber ours and future generations to a system that will, as is historically shown with almost everything they do, be inefficient, impersonal, bloated, and corrupt. Not to mention, it would eliminate competitive options as it would subsidize the government options to keep up with the laws enacting the plan.

Wouldn't it be better to require the government to focus on improving what it already has tackled that it does so inefficiently and wastefully, and usually at a very low level of quality, and instead utilize the savings from that improvement to provide funds to those who need them to get insurance, than it is to simply add another HUGE beauracracy to what is already a bloated and bleeding whale of beauracracy.

That our politicians, who are incapable of even balancing their own checkbooks in many instances, are telling us that it's better for them to take much of it over, than for them to do their actual jobs and make new and enforce existing laws that would solve the problems shows, IMO, that this is a political issue, and not a "whats best for our Country" issue.

We HAVE health care in this Country and some of the best available in the world. I'm all for making that health care ACCESSIBLE and affordable for all Citizens who want and need to take advantage of it, and as THEY choose to use it. I'm sure though that there is a better way than allowing the government to take control of it, just as I'm sure there is a better way I could have used my FICA taxes that would have produced a far greater return than what the government will likely ever be able to provide me, if I ever even get a return for them from the government.

I think it's long past the time that we require the government to REFORM government in the way the Constitution envisioned it, before we allow them to propse to reform Health Care. Building a house on an unsound foundation is never a good idea as while it might provide some temporary shelter, it will likely ultimately cause irreperable damage to the house and its occupants and contents.

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