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Message: Glenn Beck exposes Color of Change co-founder Van Jones

When the country was founded men left their farms to run the country. These were true Patriots that risked their lives to create a government for the people. These were common men inteligent with common sense. Over the years Lawyers and special interest groups have stolen the government from the people. The people now in government are by in large lawyers. Many are corupt and have low morality. They have their own agenda and most are not there to serve the country but are in for what they can get for themselves. More and more are radical left. Somehow they got into power mainly due to brainwashed college kids, and the low end of humanity that seems to be growing in numbers that want to do drugs, live here for free without working and suck the life out of the country. The cities are infested with these people and when you see a map of the way the country votes you can see that most of the country is red with blue dots in the cities. I live in Oregon and most of the people live in the Portland area. They control the vote now in this state. Some of the Republicans are corrupt as well. If the founding fathers could see what these people are doing to the country I believe they would be shot or hung for treason. I just hope that now people are getting the message and it's time to take back our country for the people. The only way to do it is to vote for people that have integrity and values that the founding fathers had. IMO the liberals are showing their true colors and people are starting to pay attention. IMO they will not be in power for long. I think they know this as well and are trying to ram all of there agenda down our throats while they can. I just hope they don't dig too big a hole for us to get out of.

All the best,


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