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Message: Lost in Space

I really truly pray that God instills in Obama the light of reason and he sees that changing his decision on this shut down could be the start of his climb out of the hole of a mess he has made in just a bit more then a year in office.


I can't think of anything more disgusting than to read something like this. When you right wing types build your arguments on misconstruing facts and outright lies you cannot escape your behaviour. Ultimately the responsibility the financial meltdown of the world economy is anyone who openly supported or voted for the Bush administration. Would that be you? Invoking God to support your evil ideology. What next? Think of all the money that would have been available for the space program except for what you right wing types did to your country and the world. Where is bottom for guys like you? Stop lying about others and take responsibility for what you guys did. Unbelievable.

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