No reading comprehension issues, except perhaps on your part. And to be fair, perhaps that's due to my writing not being clear. Just because the post was addressed to you in response to yours, when I wrote "someone", I wasn't ONLY referring to you. Your post to which I responded was presumably addressed to everyone, inclusive of those who do some or all of those things, so my "someone" was intended generally, not specifically. That being said, in a general tone, you have at times "excused" the BOD's actions. Specifically, in their public communications. So ultimately if the shoe fits, wear it, if not, don't.
As for why I hold, I hold because the MMP, in my opinion, still has value. I think that even with this BoD, a small portion of that value, though unfortunately based on what I now know, never the FULL value will be realized and thus allow me to sell my shares at a higher value and thus mitigate my losses. Along the lines of the blind squirrel (our BOD) finding and occassional nut (more MMP revenue).
I won't repeat that 10 times, as I'd likely be futher accused of posting negatively, lol.