Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Ronran - are you the leader of this board?

You're great at sitting back in your armchair and claiming woulda coulda shoulda.

FWIW I was skeptical of the umbrella almost from the beginning and was firmly on the side of the dividends. Yes. I'm one of those. I live in the real world where hitting a home run with multiple at-bats with new business ventures is a long shot at best. Do I go around saying "put me on the BOD. I can do better"?

On which side of the debate were you at that time? I recall a major outcry from all over this message board something along the line of "dividends? What will we do when the MMP revenues run out?" or so goes the logic. And what did the board - unresponsive to shareholders do? They responded to shareholder calls for reinvestment by reinvesting in promising start-ups or so went the perceptions back then.

I never once heard anyone here saying - "Crossflo? What a crappy acquisition." Or "Avot ? What were they thinking?"

Fast forward to now.

Some shareholders- after having their egos handed to them in dealing with PTSC / TPL etc. now seem intent on revising history and claiming that they or anybody else for that matter could have done a better job of managing the windfalls taken in and that THEY or someone who they deem to be able to better represent shareholder interests should they be installed on the BOD-all with an utter and -some might say-intentional disregard for the perceptions they put forth while perpetually bashing the BOD now seem to think they are now entitled to call the shots.

I have said it before and I'll say it again-if you armchair quarterbacks are so brilliant why aren't you out there steering your own corporate ships ? Sell and move on people. Life is too short.

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