Thanks for the info on the heap leach problems, most interesting and only confirms my expectations on future production.
As for the trying to oust the BOD, remember back to HBM and what happened when some investors were not happy with their attempted aquisition of Lundin.
THe BOD was gone and the deal killed. After that, Lundin went on a tear and looking back, i am sure some investors are wondering what if?
It did not get to a vote as the board actually resigned knowing that the funds leading the charge had enough backing to win the day.
In this case, 5% does not amount to much other than they get to ask for the meeting. If we start to hear of any other big holders (not sure who the big holders are) then there could be some fire for the smoke.
We will see.
I personally think that the company has tried to do the best that they can do with limited money in the bank to fund exploration let alone start another mine. Don't forget that the early part of this year was crazy trying to get funding. I don't want to see any unnecessary dilution in the face of moving forward.