NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: A good post from SH

A good post from SH

posted on Sep 08, 2007 10:15AM

Misfit1 wrote this:

Hi all NOT regulars,

I was out of the city doing work today but was able to get a NOT quote on my phone's mobile web browser. Gotta luv technology!

At first I thought we were holding strong at .85 before I noticed the volume. Then I checked for news and found the HALT message. I instantly thought that if this was good news, they would wait until Monday or later to release it. Looks like this could the case now...

As a NOT loyalist since last early November, I have followed every news release since Nov 15, 2006. I will say that this is the third HALT not has released during that time, despite a lot of news being released in that period. In that time NOT never called a HALT to announce bad news.

Bad news? We had some during the last week of December 2006 when NOT announced the assays results from the other 8 holes that were being explored at Windfall. Those results were average. The stock plunged from .92 to .64 as many people were banking on more bonanza grade results. Unfortunately, those holes were pre-determined as of September 2006 with 12 holes planned for that fall. An area covering 800M x 800 metres was drilled, and it was one of the first four that had the bonanza grade (1792 g/t au over 4.8 metres) Hole NOT-06-100. The the other 8 holes were not spectular, they were not expected to be, though we all hoped that the bonanza hole would somehow extend itself across the 800M x 800 M area.

As we all know now, a ramp was decided to be the best method to determine how far the bonanza grade vein extends. 15 million dollars is in the bank to assist with this property.

What is interesting is that the James Bay property news was totally unexpected by everyone, including I'm sure the NOT people. The property was optioned in the Spring. They announced a drill program and that started near the end of August. A HALT was issued just three days after drilling had begun. We were given enough information that those who know about NOT could accumulate more until the true assays results were known. At this point we know that they have visible copper up to widths of 50M.

We do not know the grades until the assays are out. NOT, in a strange move, stated in there last NR that they would halt again when the assays ready to be desiminated. This is most likely the reason for today's halt, though there could be other reasons. Again, as NOT rarely issues HALT notices, and when it does they involve high visibility drill cores, the upcoming news looks to be very good. If the results has been average, the halt today would have lasted an hour. It did not.

There are a few obvious items that need to be stated:

1) Though there were many shorters at play over the past week, many of these shorts are likely to be covered through the exercise of warrants. Only a complete idiot would have shorted NOT this week and last after reading the last PR. Without a warrant parachute, a shortere stands to lose a lot of money next week. Short and maybe make 20 percent from .92 to .76. Not cover and lose a possible 100-500% depending on grades. Again, there are not too many people this stupid trying to earn 10% against such a backdrop, so I do not expect a large shorter cover.

2) I do expect a nice jump. I cannot predict what that will be without seeing the grades, but GCR jumped from .28 to 1.65 in a few moment before closing just under $2. A few days later it hit close to $4. This was last May. The market was still okay then. At this point I believe that so many investors are fed up with their low priced shares in resource companies (most have not even come close to matching June values since the sub-prime crash in August) that they will be lined up to invest in a company with the assets, the attention, and the connections. NOT has all three.

3) Those with shares do not need to worry this weekend. There will be many torturing themselves as is (those who did not buy when they had a chance, the shorter with warrant protection, and those who sold out. The institutions played you all well. They shook some loose shares, bashed the heck out of the company, the shorted enough stock to give the appearance that the share price would fall to lower levels, all the while covering later and knowing that they had warrants to cover any open shorts. None of this matters to those of us who hold. We have the shares, some of us as long as from last year. Anyone with shares should be smiling as you may hold shares in a company that could make history, with one confirmed and one highly likely ultra-bonanza grade properties. Two winners in less than a year.

4) The bashing will get even worse if this price opens over $1. The pros will be out in full force to get your shares as cheap as possible. If I thought that this was stock with a long term potential of $1.50, I would recommend selling at anything over $1.20. But like many on here, this looks to be the makings of a company with billions of dollars in resources. The market cap should rise at multiple levels of its current $75 million if this is the case. I believe that with the combination of gold and mineral prices, the high grades at Windfall (and likely James Bay), and the need for quality company to be made available as an alternative for investors in a weak market, this company will hit multi-dollar. How many multi remains to be seen.

Anyway, have a great weekend everybody. Ignore the bashers as they can only add doubt where no doubt is needed. From all perspectives, this is now a no-brainer. Hold NOT long and prosper.


I think this is a post worth reposting.

later griz

drill it and they will come

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