Some banks are bigger than gvmnts:their assets are greater than their home countries economies Below shows the size of major European banks as a proportion-or multiple-of their home countries GDP.This measure illustrates the comparitive sizes of business and gvmnts.
Bank - total assets - GDP (2007) in billion dollars
Rabobank - 571 bill - 473 bill Holland
Ing bank - 1370 bill - 473 '' ''
RBS - 2079 bill - 1644bill UK
HSBC - 1608 bill - 1644 " "
Barclays - 1542 bill - 1644 " "
Deutsche Bank-1917 bill - 2237 Bill Germany
BNP Parisbas -1694 bill - 1623 bill France
Credit Agricole -1414 bill -1623 " "
Banco Santander-913 bill -692 bill Spain
Unicredito - 1022 bill -1284 bill Italy
Bank of Ireland-183 billion - 179 billion Ireland
Have no fear things are slowly turning and GOLD is coming our way!