Through coverage of FWR. The Dines letter had covered LAM and FWR way back. I bought some of both before Dines dropped both from the recommendation list. LAM went to 1c, restructured, Dines picked them back up and the rest is history (about 7$ today). FWR was dropped and the price fell. I picked up a bunch more and played the yearly swing up in price to build my nest egg. Nothing much has changed for FWR in terms of POTENTIAL. I picked up NOT after their strike at Windfall (waited till this summer for the buzz to die off). NOT seems to be getting the big hits but Windfall geo people are right there in the thick of things (DON118 or shall I call you DONYPEE should know). Just waiting for the Dines letter to pick up coverage on FWR again and call it his own.
Fwr received 375000 shares of NOT in Dec on the JV at Windfall. Hope they still own them.