You said : Usually with no news the stock will drift downward steadily...meaning confidence is being lost or not enough investers are interested in buying or adding to their positions.
That's exactly what append to NOT after the big news from Windfall last december. The SP drifted till it was around $0.35 this summer. I kept buying while it was going down and I'm so glad I did. I'm almost all-in on this play. If I had more money, I would buy some more NOW before news from hole #7 gets out. We already know that this hole will be good but it's the holes following #7 who will lead NOT to the next level. We all expect Double Eagle will become a deposit. But you know what, if it does'nt, we still gonna hit big with Windfall and Burnt Hill. It a WIN WIN situation. We cannot lose in the long run. Watch what the share price will be when Burnt Hill will be in production and Windfall ramp done and giving us the GOLD results we expect. I may be wrong buy IMHO, you can't lose much money even if you enter this rocket at today's price. There is too much potential to lose. We can only go higher. So sit back everyone, relax when the SP swing in day to day trading and enjoy the ride on this NOT ROCKET. We going to MARS !