There are a number of investors that trade on stock movement rather than any knowledge of what makes the company tick... I think we're seeing that right now. Also there are some that wish to push the price down to get in at the lowest price possible, fully expecting a big push up. This last report indicates we have some inconsistent , possible multiple anomolies and that we have not yet located the "find" in its entirety. RN is keeping us all posted as we expect and he is keeping the news balanced to the good side...nothing spectacular no unwarranted jumps or drops in price.. just chugging along until more drill results come showing more of the permiter.
This news does one thing in my mind...makes me want to hold my shares very tightly. No one is taking them away from me..this will move up once the MM play their game with it.. too bad really..would rather it move up on good news immediately..and this was good news.