NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Toronto Resource Investment Conference

Toronto Resource Investment Conference

posted on Oct 23, 2007 09:00AM

I attended this conference on both Sunday and Monday to see what kind of buzz NOT and the McFauld's Lake would get, and also to follow-up on some of my investments.

I attended John Kaiser's (I am a subscriber) talk "Is McFauld's Lake shaping up to be a Great Canadian Area Play".  John spoke rather bullishly of NOT's discovery, obviously cautioning that although nothing yet is precluding this discovery from being world class, there is still not enough data to know and it could take months for this story to unfold.

What did disappoint me, however, and which I confronted him about after the talk, was that he portrayed NOT as a compnay that had nothing going on and was down on its luck before DE came along, which as the longs know, is not the case. He even got his facts wrong concerning WL results from last year, mentioning that thay they hit 50oz/t over 2m instead of 4.8m, and that they have been unable to duplicate these results, apparently not aware of the ramp plans. This not to mention that he said nothing about NOT's 11 other properties, including the highly prosepctive Burnt Hill.

So, I phoned Mr. Nemis this morning to mention this to him, and although he was frustrated to hear this, he was not surprised. I suggested to him that he contact Kaiser about this, and he said that would if he had actually heard the talk. Mr. Nemis suggested that people who heard Kaiser's talk were in the best position to bring this up with Kaiser, so I mentioned that I may write Kaiser a detailed email to follow-up on the conversation I had with him after his talk at the conference. However, I do feel that if Mr. Nemis had been able to discuss this with Kaiser, this would have been much more effective at waking Kaiser up to the full NOT story.

Btw, I did not ask Mr. Nemis anything about DE..

I also went to FWR's booth to view sections of NOT's core that was on display. It was very impressive looking and remarkably heavy, which obviously was explained with the assay results. But its was definitely exciting to actually see and feel the core, and not just read about it in an NR.

Anyway, the somewhat sad reality is that although there is a definite buzz about the McFauld's Lake discovery, not surprisingly, there is virtually no recognition or appreciation of NOT's other projects. Nobody I spoke to knew very much about WL and definitely nothing of Burnt Hill.

I wonder what, if anything, Agoracom can do in this regard? Those 250,000 options might be worth more if the market gave some recognition to NOT's other projects... And certainly prodding people like Kaiser to get their fact's straight might help?





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