Thank you. Brings it all to life, and puts some sense around it.
I am still weak in this area of the daily combat. Can you give an example of strategies and techniques which might be in use (I know you are extrapolating from the events and so I won't hold you to any deductions).
Examples -
This little piggy wants more shares at a cheap price, so he...
This little piggy does not want more shares now, but wants to keep the price down anyway so he can buy more tomorrow, so he..
This little piggy wants to trade between his own accounts, and do as well as he can, so he...
This little piggy decides to 'short', and now he would like to bring the price down so he can sell and make $, so he...
This little piggy has all the shares he wants, now he wants to bump the prices up so he can sell and make $, so he...
This little piggy (me) plans to hold shares for the long term and buy on the dips, so he... (same as #1?)
And... do two little piggies ever work together?
I guess you get the idea. Some seem to think that manipulation is a hoax, or at best a dream. Others see it in every trade. I imagine it is a little of each. If you could help us understand better what you are seeing, I know I would enjoy the story even more!
Thanks in advance... and I know I am asking a lot.