Part of me thinks I will never get a good nights sleep again..I can't seem to figure out the I put my head on the pillow or do I put my head on the headrest of my office chair. I think I have this "almost Christmas and Santa is coming" feeling in my gut which just won't let me settle in for a pre-Halloween's nap. NOT...that is the problem>>>NOT that will be the solution...whatever I shall NOT sleep until NOT shows those who are NOT supporting it why is will NOT do what they think and drop through the kNOThole and into the abyss. Personally I feel like a kNOThead for NOT getting the sleep I need so that I'm NOT too tired to keep up with this play.
So I say in conclusion I will NOT be staying awake...NOT any longer tonight... Have fun tomorrow. kNOT's landing is on and its going to be a very big hit....NOT a doubt about it.
Nuts about NOT :)