NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Misfit's Midday Musings - November 1, 2007

Misfit's Midday Musings - November 1, 2007

posted on Nov 01, 2007 03:19PM

Hi all,

Sorry for the discussion I am having with Mining Junkie. I am not against alternative views. On the older stockhouse board there were many times Bravekind and I would get into it. But we did so out of a trust that was built over months.

Anybody can post. It is free and only costs time. When posters are labelled guru's though, there is a responsibility that comes with that. Snezzer and I have been talking about that off-line.

Mining Junkie has some great information. But I am questioning his motive at the moment for his valuations, given the purported size of his portfolio. I know people who invest millions in a company and none of them follow these boards or post to them. They have paid brokers who spend all day watching their portfolios and calling them whenever a decision needs to be made. Not to say that there are not people on here with a million shares, but it seems highly unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely.

But I will give MJ the benefit of the doubt and allow him the 6M dollars he has or had until recently held in NOT shares.

It is human nature to take the word of somebody with a larger stake in an investment over the word of someone with a smaller stake. I have never revealed how many shares I own, just like most other people. It could be 100 or it could be 100,000. Okay, maybe not a 100 ;) I like to let my posts do the talking.

Do I know how many shares Bravekind, Canseco, Franz, Snezzer, QQgirl, Bentonstocks, OldJoe, Bully, Strato, Mustang, TCP, LTGold, CrazyD, or many of the others have in Noront? Of course not. But I know that they are all long based on the amount of time they spend on here and the hopeful tone of their postings. They want to make money by holding risk and selling it for more in the future. They get ticked when bashers, whether on-line or at the FP take a shot at their stock and increase their risk. They're ticked at shortsellers like Paul Van Eeken who's goal is to take the right to a good thing, sell it, and cover it later when those who really need the money are forced to sell due to oversupply of paper called shorts.

So we come on here to express our thoughts, frustrations, fears, hopes, excitement, let downs, contact info, so that in the end we have a little more financially prosperous life than what we had before learning about the three letters N-O-T.

So you will have to excuse me if I get a little defensive of the board and question the intentions of others. I hope there are those out there that question my intentions too. I try to keep it real and not overly pump, but supporting a stock and bringing out it's hopeful postives is a hugely different thing then what happens in a typical pump and dump.

Anyway, thanks for the emails of support. Many of us would have sold a long time ago if it wasn'f for the constant wealth of information that keeps us hopeful and long.

Now to the two news releases from today:

As I guessed yesterday, the news was about Windfall. Lucky guess based on removing what it likely could not be. Regardless, the halt was justified. Like a poster said earlier, if only to allow the retail guy a chance to pay attention and know that something is being released. I believe Richard took some flack last December when he released the other 8 Windfall hole results from the 2006 fall program without a halt. The stock took a freefall and many had no chance as news came out of the blue in the middle of the day.

But today's news wasn't bad. It would not lead one to discount the stock. I will not put too much of a postive spin on it. It is what it is. Drill results that are mineable. What excited me the most is that we have over 115M shares outstanding, which means another 5M warrants exercised since the last NR and another 3.25M in the bank. We must be up to 35M cash at this point.

Better today was the news regarding the JV. At first I thought Richard had optioned to a major. I quickly checked to see what 400K shares of the company was worth and then was disappointed. My first reaction is that they must have been on drugs to give half of DE away for under 6 million, but after taking another read I saw that they specifically mentioned "a property" in the ring of fire, and one representing just a fraction of their overall claims at DE. Rest assured it is no where near where they are drilling.

If it was up to King Richard, he would have 20 drills working all of the different target zones on the Noront claims. As is, he gets two as drills are rare these days and they have only so much cash. By bringing on partners, they foot the bill and we get half the profits. Not a bad deal. It also allows for the credibility of the whole area to be boosted if similar results to what is at Eagle One are found elsewhere.

I was surprised to see that the share price did not rise on this news, as it is not a small deal. But then again, the share price seems to have a mind of its own. Only know that it is on an upwards trending pattern when viewed from a weekly perspective.

There is so much news coming up the pipe from six different properties that I believe we can expect one every one to two weeks until next summer. If nothing else, this will be one of the most fun stocks I will ever be involved with. I trust that it will be the same for most of you.

Anyway, I am looking to start a committee of sorts concerning gold stocks. It's focus will be to find the next Noront. We all saw what Kodiak just did in the last two months. With the gold bull just upon us, there has got to be more high potential gems out there. The intent is not to pump and trade gold stocks, but to find real keepers that have good properties that just need some time or are undervalued given their potential. Like Noront was a year ago at .16 cents. An unknown company with great management, good properties, and some luck.

Let me know if you are interested. I anticipate an hour or two a week is required. Mostly doing DD and stating both the positives and negatives of a stock. The goal will be to review tips we receive or find that look plausible and discuss them. It will be up to each member's discretion as to whether they buy or not. If most of us are on self-directed brokerage trading, then think of this as having a self-directed broker's meeting twice a month. It would likely use some form of social networking chat forum and no public postings as I do not want to lead people down paths that have not been risk assessed.

I find that many people follow me around stock house to see where I am posting and buy the stock. I feel like crap when I find out that they lost money on something I am no longer in. For those wondering, I am long in three stocks - NOT, XOR, and PMM. The rest are short terms traders where conditions can change at any time so I avoid sharing these without disclaimers. That is why I try to avoid posting about other stocks on here, though I may slip at times out of conversational writing. A hot stock one week can be cold just a few days later. What I am looking for are the keepers that will lead to long term wealth, which NOT has proven itself to be in just a year. To find these it will take a collective effort that will not use this board as a forum after today.

In terms of membership, it will be limited but I will leave the discussion on that up to a few founding members. My role will be to facilitate at first and that role will likely rotate as we get going. I believe in democracy and distributed power in an ethical manner so I hope to attract likeminded invididuals with a four year vision for getting rich(er).

That's all folks. Here's to some blue skies in the upcoming weeks.


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