$2 million might get a winter road but it wouldn't be pretty. HOWEVER I know for a fact that Northern Ontario is getting a lot of attention from the Government and a task force is in place and working on how to improve transportation in the areas not currently well serviced. I spoke two weeks ago to a lady heading up this (Health/Welfare, Mines and Resources, Transportation and other Departments all involved).
There is no question in my mind but that the Province of Ontario, likely with money kicked in from Federal Government, will be up front with money for an ALL SEASON road into the area of the 'Ring of Fire'. Won't happen this year but look for a full report and recommendations next year. I doubt if any of the juniors in DE area even know much about this but the people on this 'task force' certainly do know about the DE Area discoveries and will take that into account.
You can pretty much count on the Government paying for most of the cost of any road work.