I was just over at the BMK board and visegrip1 posted there right after leaving the NOT forum and this is what he said about this board and I hope he will forgive me:
Hey folks, I just came off the NOT forum and couldn't help but notice the camaraderie and support encouragement that those folks give each other. Frankly enviable
Now when posters visit our board and throw compliments around like that about our board, I can understand why the bashers want in to our community.
Lets keep this up and stive to make it better. The thing that gets me is that I have never heard anything like that on the competition board ever. So, I would say that Agoracom had a good idea.
Now I understand how kids can go on the internet chat lines and actually make friends and develop lasting relationships.
You all should give yourelves a pat on the back.......for your professionalism, levity but mots of all the info gathering. ....:)...Don