Here's wishing all of you tried, tested, and true Not-arians a very Happy New Year, my family and I extend our best wishes to you and yours this New Years, give all those around you big hugs and kisses, and share the joy that you have. The past 5 months have been like being in the outer debris field of a tornado, on a rollercoaster like ride full of up and downs and twists and curve all the while knowing in your gut that sooner or later you'll be sucked up higher and higher still into the clear blue above. The gut feeling is more a direct result of the efforts of all Not-arians whom post thier true knowledge and thier own gut feelings, the shear amout of insight and DD available on here and the areaplay boards is second to none. Thank you to you all. Keep up the great work in 2008! Have one for me and my 6 girls and remember, please Don't Drink and Drive!!
ciao, Notster