NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Somebody wants to buy a lot of this stock....

Hi Don, I don't consider myself a day trader, but I have been trying to make my shares cheaper and/or increase them through some day trades. I admit it. But my share count is under 10K, so I'm no worry here.

However, I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for the forced sell imposed on me by TD Waterhouse in my uneducated trading days of September. I was unaware of the 3 day hold on sells and to make a long story short, I lost a bunch of shares. TD screwed me on purpose. No breaks, no mercy and then they drove the price down to make matters worse.

Payback time for me. I'm smarter and know their games now. So I jump on their back and ride some of my shares up and down with them.  So it doesn't matter if the price goes up or down, as long as I'm pointed in the right direction. Thanks to Al and a number of others on this board, whom I've also thanked for their great trading info.

And I do everything I can in my small little world to discredit them as a good broker/(shorter). Most importantly, I serve my dish of revenge cold, without emotion, just facts.

So I'm not really a day trader. I'm just a guy who wants back what was stolen from him. There's my full disclosure. And I'm long on NOT until we see that $68.00 a share that someone calculated back in september. AND I'm also waiting for Windfall...as Misfit said, the spring of 2008.



Posted by: donypee on January 03, 2008 07:39PM

In response to: Re: Somebody wants to buy a... by rodg45


rodg thanks for your response but I think, as do a few of the posters I'm in touch with feel a lot of this has to do with many of the posters on this very board selling in the hopes of getting cheaper shares. Does anyone actually believe that everyone who has posted on this board has not sold shares. Of course they did and do. Everyone knows that there won't be much happening for a while anyway so for those of you who sold - no problem. For those of you who sold but keep posting like you haven't - you can all go to h311. Right now this board is the daytrading capital of Canada so if you want to blame someone for a share price drop every time there is news perhaps we should first look at who is sitting beside us. This board has changed over a few times now and every day we get new names. Everyone wants the news, the gossip and the lies so they can day trade....... For the record I've got nothing against day trading. I will do it myself but not here with all this at stake. So lets move on to next week and wait for the drills to start giving us more great spectacular news. This nonsense will stop when we hit another anomal I'll tell you all that.....Don

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