NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Conversation with Mr. Nemis...

Conversation with Mr. Nemis...

posted on Jan 11, 2008 11:15AM

I called NOT hoping to get some info form the recptionist, and much to my surprise, Mr. Nemis answered the phone.

So like a good boy, I did my job and asked some questions, while expressing that I did not want to take too much of his time because I know he is very busy.

  • 2 drills currently on site, and 2 news one currently on the way and are somwhere between Val D'or. 2 drills on site are drilling, but one broke down... Mr.Nemis thought it was hole 29 and was not sure if it was a down-hole or machine failure. The 2 new drills are are expected to be turning by the end of the month.

  • Full crew has been on site since January 2 (geophyics, linecutters, geologists) and are full steam ahead on the preliminary work required to generate new targets and position drill holes. As Mr. Nemis said, it does not matter how many drills they have on site, if they do not have the hole postions determined they cannot drill. I have explained in the past the the hardest thing about drilling is determining where to put the holes. All of the exploration work leads to that.

  • 2 more drills expected planned to arrive in the April - May timeframe, which would mean athere would be a total of 6 on site.

  • A lot of JV arrangments (like the ones we have seen)with other junior companies on the table, all of which will require $1 million of exploration on the NOT/partner ground this year. This means that a lot of NOT's properties will be worked over by either NOT or its JV partners this year, and there is a lot to look forward to as a result.

  • Meetings and negotiations with large mining companies from all over the world are starting Monday. He could not give specifics of what the end result of these negotiations would be, but obviously this is about negotiating with a large partner to help develop DE within some form of JV or split owenrship arrangment. JPM and IBK will play a major role in these meetings/negotiations.

  • Regarding the SP, I mentioned to him that it was nice to see some recovery. He stated that he really does not understand what is going on with the SP given the results to date, and I suggested to him it is just Bay St. playing greedy games on low volumes. He said he has never seen such strange SP action in all of his years in this business. I asked him if IBK and JPM should not be providing some guidance and control of this situation, and said that JPM had been called into the office yesterday to discuss what was going on what they are going to do about (something like that). He said that JPM told him not worry about it... And one has to wonder given today's action.

  • He stressed how the project was becoming quite large and and emphasized their need to expand their peliminary exploration work to generate targets for the drills in the growing areas of interest (something like that). As I mentioned above, this includes things such as data interpretation from geophysics (ground and airborne), interpretation of drill results and deposit geometry modelling, etc. Lots of work to do before a drill hole can be positioned and started, and their areas of interest expand, so does this workload.

  • Mr. Nemis also mentioned that they are also now interprerating results from the recent airborne and ground geophysics programs.

  • All in all a very positive conversation and postive vibes from Mr. Nemis. Nothing to be concerned about, and I have no doubts about the integrity of this project, the company, or Mr. Nemis, but I never have really.

  • He was not feeling well and thought he may have had the flu, but it turns out to be just some stomach problems, which may have been triggered by a very nasty ride just a couple of days ago on Citation private jet. Apparently it was quite a white-knuckled ride and they got bounced around a good bit.

  • I wished him well and that I hoped that he was feeling better, and expressed that we have great confidence in him.



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