We all went through the selling pressure (I call it panic) and now it's time for the new buyers to go through the same experiance but on the upside this time.
Good volume today even discounting some obvious day trading and messing about. We closed strong because holders are scared to let go of the tiger's tail. Watching the money market guys play with the bid and ask prior to openning tomorrow will be hilarious.
Don't anyone put a stop loss in at $4 because you know someone will try to sucker it out one way or another. We should open so far above $4 that maybe we should be warning about stop losses at $5.
Wonder when Dick Nemis will present us with 2 digit Nickel content, he's getting pretty close. 14% Nickel, Rhodiu, Platinum, Paladium, Gold and oh yeah copper. Somebody asked we where the uranium was.