Dick told me today that a drill can do 25 meters in a shift and they work two shifts a day so 50 meters each drill each day and no weekends off.
So if they are doing 200 meter holes it takes 4 days each hole. With two drills on infill and one on new anomalities.
Drilling for infill has been going on since they returned to drill after Christmas. That drill should have been operating 14 days so maybe 3 drill holes? Two new drills only maybe 8 days so 2 test holes on step out or new anomality and 2 holes on DE 1 area. Total of 7 drill holes and cores likely being visually analysed, at most. Still enough to make a news release worthwhile.
NOTE the infill drill cores could be considered 'not material' until after assay since they are really just adding information about an ore body which everybody already knows about. HOWEVER there could be 2 drill cores from anomality (CAN YOU SAY DE 2) IF they hit mineralized ore would definately be material information and have to be released ASAP. Especially since the drill crew would be dancing and singing along with the rest of us since they've no doubt loaded up on shares.