Actually I missed commenting on the implied urgency of my last post concerning QQ/news etc. ....
There are a number of notable gurus inclined to believe that there will be another major correction anywhere around March to April (to say nothing of the usual month of May and the summer). For those planning to hang in there for years, this is not an issue and that is perfectly fine. For those with more immediate needs in maintaining their capital over the shorter term, good news would be rather nice and I'm sure we are expecting some before this time. It is unfortunate, however, that there may be corrections and longer term recoveries during a period when we should be achieving some of our best news and drill results. Some believe McFaulds will exist in a bubble at this time and I hope this is the case, however, it is possible that it will not. If some of the larger players, to say nothing of the retailers/fear factor, have to pull positions owing to the continued U.S. contribution to mayhem, it may not be possible to remain largely unaffected. Each investor must review plans of action that fit with their needs for any number of contingencies. NOT is an excellent company and over the longer haul it will be simply amazing. The short term is anyone's guess, but it can be played "smarter".