Very good read . Thanks for reposting what I did not have the chance to read when it was first posted.
What I can add to its jest is this:
Did the PP just appear on the day it was announced or was it in the works for some time prior (like back in Dec. when it was reported by by one of our callers to the NOT office that RN felt the SP was being controlled by a someone). Did the deal get agreeded to at or on the date on which it very quickly began its climb back up from the ~$2.64? low mark. I recall checking and thinking of how aggressive the renewed buying was at that time. I considered that there was a new or old someone ready to push the SP back up (Noront had found a new or renewed supporter). The PP announcement finally helped understand the movement. These PP people are now NOT supporters and have likely some understanding with the Noront Management Team. There also appeare to be some other interested party who continues to try keeping the SP artifically low (in my very strong OPINION).
Old Joe
PS: What actually goes on in the back rooms andelsewhere is usually a bit of a mystery to me, but it does go on and by necessity.