NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Near Term Expectations for Noront and the Rong of Fire

Near Term Expectations for Noront and the Rong of Fire

posted on Feb 19, 2008 11:46AM
I haven't had the time to read for the past 6-8 weeks but did get into doing so from ~ noon yesterday up to present. As always, never the expert on any such matters, I do see the same pattern in trading since late October , 2007. Ever since Noront moved beyond Hole #12 the SP should have been trading consistently above ~$12.00. Even I was getting into the conditioned frame of mind that the next news release would be the one that allows the proper valuation to be put on the SP for Noront. Consistently, ever since early November, the SP has been controlled. At first with some nervousness by the entity(s) doing the controlling and slowly but surely with increasing confidence. Then came the unneeded PP. It must have been agreed to near the low in January, which then allowed the controllers to quickly move it back up. The coiled spring release lever was welled into place and we continue to witness careful control of the SP. Until the controlling entity determines that it has plucked every last share it can pocket through this careful controlling of SP we can only expect more of the same, regardless of the news. About the only other thing that can and will bring this control to a quicker end is either all us Long Longs sell or a new entity be spotted buying up shares at these SUB BARGAIN BASEMENT PRICES. The best part of this is that the current 'controlling entity ' is providing opportunity for those of us Long Longs to accumulate more shares at extremely attractive prices, each to out own means and desire. I have been somewhat occupied in the past couple of months and consequently have been able to not be annoyed nor joyed at having such BARGAIN BASEMENT PRICES, though I have but a few more shares to put on ice. Looking at a few other areas in the mean time suggests that we are not the only very good prospects that have been feeling the pinch on SP suppression. Will be able to pay much more attention in a month or so, and expect April to be an interesting month for all the typical reasons. In the mean time Friday the 29th and Monday and Tuesday the 3rd and 4th could prove to be interesting, with a little emphasis on 'Could'. Otherwise, when the release button on the 'coiled spring' is finally hit I hope we will then see the real value in the SP. Short term speculators will either be in or out. Long Longs will remain content before and long after. Old Joe PS: Hope to do a little more regular reading in the coming months. Still appreciate the good, informative, and positive postings and remain somewhat amused by the few soft bashers, be they actually be frustrated Longs or challenged day trader types.
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