There are more factors at play here than whether there is a DE11 or DE111....sure they provide the most upside but other important factors are also at play
For one ....look at those commodity prices....anyone who follows Jim Sinclair has got to be feeling pretty good about commodities right about is happening just as he has predicted...$1,600 gold coming to a place near you...and if gold goes to $1,600 we could see $10,000/oz for Rhodium....just look at platinum....just a couple weeks ago everyone was excited about it nearing $2,000/oz...we're way past that now.....and silver; we do have silver too eh....not to mention base metals...copper and nickel climbing big time now too
So on DE11 and DE111 definately great....but this company has many commodity plays....Windfall could hold more surprises I'm sure.....and anytime we could hear something on the tungston property or news from China...and the rumors...yah...lots of rumors
Anyone doing their DD on this play is not swayed one bit by some comment made on BNN....if he doesn't believe in this play, I'm thinking he hasn't done his DD