NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: some thoughts

some thoughts

posted on Mar 05, 2008 05:19PM

I've read all the posts by those who attended the convention and they re all interesting and informative. however let me ask each of you a question, why did you buy into NOT.......!!!!!!!!. If you answered anything other than to make $$$ then your fooling yourself.

Lets all be honest we're here for the opportunity to make more money in a short period of time than we could ever make working 9-5. If you don't agree, then you need to look for an appropriate shrink.

Bottom line is we all want to not only believe but we want dream of having a better life than we have now. Sure all the posts about the geology etc are informative and appreciated but really who gives a flying you know what if the SP doesn't materialise. I can't count the number of juniors where i've read great info and the SP tanks.

What does al this have to do with NOT?? well let me tell you.

Compare the qualifications of the senior management of NOT to other juniors, then do a chart over five to ten years. Go to Sedar and read all the MD&A you can get your hands on. Then go go to canadian insider trading and see who's been buying and selling. Then after all of that read all the info you can get on the company and their claims. What you're looking for is anything that looks like a cycle, private placements and warrants and then look for anything that may show a trend. After all of that you will either buy, sell , or move on . Before I bought into NOT I did all of that and what I saw I liked and decided to invest.

I'm a retiree but I've been buying and selling juniors for longer than most of you have been around. I remember years ago liking a junior that was trading around ten cents, so I did my DD.and bought in. it dropped to two cents , I accumulated a bundle and eventually sold out at sixty, but it ddn't happen over night took a couple of years but what a great ride and .....the management team are still active.

So what does all this rambling mean. Well NOT has all the qualifications for a really serious mining junior. I've been following Nemis for years and made some great money with him. Do we have the next Voisey Bay, I sure hope so as I've invested some major $$ all the way from 16 cents through the 2.50's and low 4's, and..... I'm still holding and accumulating. I don't need these geologists to read the results for me nor do I need to know the geological history of the area , all intersting but really who gives a flying , you know what. All that matters, if you want to make $$, is the market reaction, and the answer to the question, "do they have the goods". In my honest opinion not only do we have the goods , read that as the ore body, but it's all a matter of time . I for one can wait for the market reaction , and that old standbye, the " herd ,mentality". For those of you who don't know what that means its folks who couldn't give sh-t about geological result as all they see is a stock that is rising and they want a piece of it. All I can say to these folks is , thank you.

Excuse the ramblings of an old man but if you are a serious investor in NOT and want to make some really really major profits then you'll hold on, and ride the waves. Our reward will surely be when we see the value crest and the major make an offer we can only dream of.

NOT has great management , and most importantly we have found one of the greatest ore bodies in Canadian history.

Thank you to all who post ,

GLTA and always in my honest opinion


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