NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: Herbert and Rodg45
Mar 20, 2008 07:47PM
Milsy - I would generally agree with your age-old advice to "only invest what you can afford to lose".  But, I do believe there are exceptions to most every rule.  I closely followed the rule:  "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."  I did that for 5 years religiously.  But, as I qualified my earlier statement, if one is in a position to know for sure that one has a "once in a lifetime opportunity" - sometimes it may be time to bend the rule.  I bent that rule of being diversified only on this one stock - Noront.  Why?  Because it is like owning several stocks - Windfall, Double Eagle, Burnt Hill, etc.  These are all projects that many juniors would love to have.  I bought my first 5,000 share in March of 2006 for 26 1/2 cents a share (American money).  I've bought all the way up to 4.07, with an average price of 2.65.  I think I made a good decision to sell my 45 other mining stocks and buy this one.  Why?  Because it is in a politically stable country (no recent coups like in the southern hemisphere).  It is in a mining-friendly country (Canada had its day with the radical environmentalists, lost lots of jobs to a major industry, and came to a more balanced position - I'd never invest in a mine in California because of all the radical environmentalists).  The grades and inferred tonnages and inferred assurance of more of the same - at both Windfall and Double Eagle - are beyond comparison.  The management is top notch - seasoned geologists and exploration company managers, with an untarnished reputation for honesty.  The likelihood of a surprising catastrophic event to substantially devalue the company is so low as to be hardly worth considering.  No nuclear plants in the area to cause a Chernobyl type event.  Canada has not angered or provoked any major power to cause them to attack.  You could still have an "act of God" type catastrophe at one project and the rest remain unimpaired.  Global economic considerations - is the demand for nickel going to be severely cut and the price considerably drop because of a severe recession or depression in USA or their trading partners.  I'm convinced that will not be the case because China and India and other places are growing so fast and developing such a need for infrastructure, that, even with a slowing of their economies, the demand will still be great for the type of high quality steel that requires nickel.  Also, nickel stockpiles are low and continuing to drop.  There are other factors of consideration, but those I consider to be major.  Having considered these factors, I think anyone who invests in a blue chip stock making a minimal percentage gain (especially with the real rate of inflation, at least in the USA, being over 10% per year) is not being prudent, when they could make at least 100 to 400% or more in a year with a top-notch mining exploration stock like we have.  I will give you this, though - those who have not done proper due-diligence and don't have these convictions based on fundamental facts, are putting themselves in for a lot of nervousness, hand-wringing, second-guessing, anxiety, fear, etc., when the price gets manipulated lower, or even drops naturally over time for lack of news.  But that's not me.  I would not borrow on a credit card and invest unless I was very, very sure of the outcome.  But, in this case, I am.  I can't speak for Herb, but it appears he's come to a similar conclusion - or maybe he was just speaking "tongue in cheek".  In any event, your advice is emminently sound advice in most situations where you don't have a real good sense of the outcome.  For some of us here, I think we know the odds are not only in our favor, but so high as to leave very little room for failure.  There's also another addage:  "No guts, no glory."  Just thought I'd add that to  balance things out.  Best regards - rodg
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