NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Swaying opinions

Swaying opinions

posted on Mar 20, 2008 07:51PM

I remember posters commenting on how NOT and area plays are in a bubble of their own and would remain unaffected by the general market.  That opinion begins to change as we see the sp apparently dropping with everything else.  Now the stance becomes, "we're down because of the market but we'll come back".  It's good to be positive but when even the less desirable aspects, like substantial sp drops are thrown into a positive light, it becomes more obvious that some suffer from a stock love affair.  The point is that a lot of opinions are presented as gospel and in the minds of the hopefuls, which most of us are, it becomes the truth because it's what we want to believe.  I'm not suggesting to anyone to take any particular steps, but the love affair with a stock that some openly express, inevitably leads to riding stocks to the bottom of a downtrend which no successful trader would do.  Trading has disciplines which should be followed, one of which is to limit your losses.  Even better mutual funds who do the long term thing will move your investments around when they are not performing.  I read a lot of exited posts from individuals and it is certainly understandable as NOT is a great company.  Again nothing wrong with going long but there would need to be limits to the loss that you would be willing to sustain under adverse conditions.  I'm not in any way expecting NOT to disappoint in the end, but one should never say never.  The sentiments expressed on this board, and I include myself in this, are often irrational and you might say off the deep end with excitement.  It should be considered, however, that as much fun and excitement as the recent events have been, your money is serious business and should be met with both feet on the ground.  Posters have yelled the battle cry "my shares .... from my cold dead hands" or words to that effect, times too numerous to count.  Those who recognize these words as their own, should really think about the motivation behind this utterance.  It's very human but also very closed to other options that may be expedient at some point.  There is nothing wrong with holding your shares until the big sell, as long as the rationale for it is a logical one and not just an emotional one as in "those shorts will never get mine".  They don't even know we exist but those that have these sentiments have made it personal/emotional and that is dangerous in investing.

So now there are individuals who are likely angry at this post.  If that is what has been triggered in you then this post was designed for you.  Your first thought was probably "basher" or something of the sort, but for some, the underlying thought really is " don't rain on my parade" or "don't take away my dream".  In actual fact, the above helps to ensure that you reach your dream.  Stay open... stay flexible in your thinking.  Listen to differing opinions.... then you'll make the best decisions.

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