Hey Sum4All......I totally agree about the feel of a snap coming...it's almost unbearable. What the news is ,or could be, is so varied that I've almost given-up speculating. It will be what it will. So I peruse the maps & geology and think about what an amazing event this is turning out to be.....could it really be bigger than VB or Sudbury?.....Yes it could....it's possible. This event is growing and growing......this is the beginning of something unique. Is this a blatant pump? NO it is NOT! This is a view of the whole area with a jaundiced eye....look at the maps....I see multiple occurances of high grade base minerals, precious metals, PGM's....spread over a very large area, and probably will keep spreading. The jury is still out politically and geologically......NOT may not be the leader down the road.....it's anybody's guess. Will it be multiple deposits mined by a major(s) or highgrading smaller deposits by smaller companies?
As I watch the trading recently I just find it more interesting to remember why I'm here.....and not to sweat the daily SP.....6 months to a year from now (or sooner) and this could be...well...remember the Klondike....remember Voiseys Bay, Sudbury, diamonds up north.......all GREAT ADVENTURES. All huge staking rushes. We are in on the ground floor(pun intended)..........cheers........sambone