What is the point of calling? Do you honestly think that you are going to get information that he would release to the market? Come on.
The market regulations are set - no news can be released that would influence share prices except through a press release for the general public. You on the phone does not qualify. Contravening these market regulations would mean an investigation by the OSC, and the swift removal of Mr Novak from the boards of directors that he sits on, something he is fully aware of, but apparently you are not.
If you are calling to see when the assay results are going to be in, you are wasting your time. The labs will not call with hourly updates on the progress, nor with the exploration companies call on the hour to receive updates.
The news will be released when it is released. If you have a geology question, ask on these boards or call the closest university and ask a professor if you are worried about it. I hear there are a couple of good universities in your area. But let Mr Novak do his job, which is scouring the reams of information and finding our motherlode.