Good morning, Jacki and thank-you very much for your post.
Let me assure you of two things:
1. Someone reporting a post does not make it a violation. It is simply a report that gets reviewed by your NOT admins.
2. Unscrupulous members that abuse the violation reporting system are reprimanded and even banned.
As such, don't let the violation reports concern you. In fact, they are often a good thing for us because they reveal the exact identity of disruptors. When they are discovered, we not only terminate them but all of their previous votes which in many instances are "1" and "2".
That is the great thing about the system we have in place. Someone can lurk behind the scenes and try to disrupt via violation reports and low votes - but those actions mean they have to come out into the open and discovered.
Conclusion - Don't worry about a thing. We have thought of everything disruptors can do and have mouse traps all over the site that catch them.
The only thing we can't protect against is the attention that you and others are unwittingly providing them via your posts. Don't allow yourselves to be knocked off your game. Just focus on NOT fundamentals and we will take care of the rest. If you have a concern, just send in a message. Your admins are the best we have.
Hope this helps and thanks again for posting your thoughts.
Have a great day.