NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Question

The single thing I find very interesting is that the Lab actually sent the Results to Noront at all. Their own internal QA/QC should have told them very early on that their equipment was misreading results. Plain and Simple.

So, with that in mind, it is a very courious thing to know that the person there responsible for signing off on the results prior to their being sent to the Explorer for compilation and interpretation. What must be happening such that the Seniour person at the Lab could have ever signed off on this set of results. Something very peculiar!

Given the amount of attention Noront Resources has received in the past six months, and the Lab being so painfully well aware as to why Noront switched Labs only four months or so ago, with Noront going as far as to make it public knowledge in advance of sending samples to this Lab for testing due to unaccaptable conditions being experienced at the now former Lab, and with Noront then also funding the establishment of a new operation in Thunderbay, there is something very much afoot that is still untold on this.

And as has been already been stated so well, Noront caught the faulty and or suspect quality of the results finally provided and apparently were then able to establish what the technical reason was for having such questionable produced in the first place. Thus accounting for much of the passage of time as well as accounting the high Standards with which Noront Resources operates. But NOT accounting for how the Lab was so able to accomplish their end of the deal.

There simply is too much of importance riding on all of this to let it simply pass unexamined. We are very well aware of Manipulative Stock trading behavior as is apparent on an daily basis. There now is considerable evidence to suggest that there is also very much Manipulation happening elsewhere as well. Are we finally at the point that the proper (and all the proper) Authorities are eagerly investigating ALL aspects of what has been happening.

The "Follow the Money" method of initiating a very indepth and extremely intense all incompasing multidisciplinary/multiresponsibility investigation should already be well underway. The Authorities, and that means ALL the proper Authorities, could start with the situation here and then be sure to also look as intensely at ALL the Money Matters happening in other very Good Minerals Exploration Companies. It is well known that where the so called "Big Money" goes, so follows Big Scheamers. We need good honest Public Services support to free ourselves of the Sleazy Sloths that are responsible for conducting their Scheaming at the expense of good hard working honest companies and in turn consequently also at us honest investors expense as well. There is a very valueable and very important key industry being very adversely affected by these Sloths.

Recall that "Greed is to be Feared"!


Don't distroy the Good, Distroy the GREEDY GREED!

Old Joe

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