From the number of comments on frustration due to the delays, we sound like junkies waiting for a fix.
Just to recap where we are, we know:
- the lab finished the assays last Friday
- after the lab, the results are reviewed for accuracy by another company
- that quite a few samples were assayed, and this may impact the time to review and prepare a news release
- that RN has the interests of the shareholders at heart and will release the results - given whatever constraints he is working with - in a timely fashion
- the number of holes at Eagle Two is probably about 35 (from a conversation reported here last week)
- the reported visuals from Eagle Two indicated very exciting potential
- the drilling hit ratio is getting better (also from a conversation reported here)
Frankly, while I too am anxious to see the results, I haven't seen any indication yet that things are not rosy.