NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Let's take a look back

Let's take a look back

posted on May 22, 2008 09:36AM

and see if these guys are as good as their word. I've provided a transcript of the John Harvey interview, and everyone can judge for themselves with the advantage of hindsight if these guys are progressing as they said they would.

John Harvey interview Jan. 15/08

Al O’Grady

AO: Mr. Harvey, welcome to the program.

JH: Thank you.

AO: Uh, John, let’s get right into it, for those following the Noront story, can you comment on the recent Cannacord statement regarding the assay for hole 18?

JH: Yes, well, uh, the assays for hole 18 were very well. It was a deep hole, it just took the deposit deeper for us than we had known before, so it really wasn’t a step-out hole but it did add to the size of the deposit at depth and the grades just confirmed the good grade that we’ve had in previous holes and will be a good asset for the subsequent resource study that we’re going to be doing.

AO: Okay, and when do you think that will be happening?

JH: Well, a few things we have to do before we can start that study. The holes all have to be surveyed downhole to get their more precise locations and we’re still missing about 8 or 9 holes of assays that have to come in and we’re not sure when that will be complete. And then we’ll have to line up an independent engineering group to do the study for us and depending on their time and availability, we hope to have all this done and have some numbers out by the end of February but that’s difficult to assess at this time.

AO: Okay, so obviously, if we’re optimistic we can get some results in February. In the meantime, is there going to be any more drilling going on throughout the winter?

JH: Yes, the drilling is continuing throughout the winter and one drill is already back at the job completing some more fill in holes, and then we have two more drills that have been acquired and are being mobilized now into the site this week and probably next week it’ll take them to get set up. And those two drills will probably start the anomaly drilling program to test some of the new anomalies we have from our airborne surveys.

AO: Okay, how close are we to a 43-101 report for the Double Eagle property?

JH: For the Eagle 1 deposit, that’s the resource study that we have to do, that’ll be 43-101 qualified, and this takes time to do it according to the Securities Commissions’s requirements and we hope to have, you know, indicated resources for that study.

AO: Just my previous question, you kind of touched on, a current update. You had mentioned some, possibly some results happening by February, some drilling’s going on. Maybe , if you could just a take a bigger picture, what do you see happening on the project late winter, or even early spring? Can you give us any sort of insight?

JH: Well, the Eagle 1 deposit we’ll finish the fill in drilling, and then as I mentioned earlier we’re stepping out anomaly drilling with the two new drills and that’ll continue throughout the winter and when we get to the next discovery which will be Eagle 2, we’ll have to acquire more drills and start delineation drilling that one like Eagle 1 but the anomaly drilling will carry on. So the number of drills could increase as we come into more mineralization or more anomalies come up for testing.

AO: Give us some sort of indication as to how much this has really surpassed your expectations?

JH: (Chuckle.) Well the grades and the results we’ve had to date ( chuckling ) have greatly surpassed anybody’s expectations in the exploration business. We’ve just had such good luck in such a short time and really you know, we hope this resource study is going to prove that we really do have something really important here and it’s worth following up with more development.

AO: I know you have some other projects on the go in Quebec, as well. Would you like to tell us more about those?

JH: Well, yeah, the big one in Quebec is the Windfall Lake project and it’s a huge area that has a lot of gold mineralization in it and we’ve been drilling there for four or five years now, and keep coming up with good holes. We’ve never done a resource study there yet, the mineralization is such that it’s not continuous and it’s hard to define a deposit like this with drill holes. So we’ve decided to go underground with a ramp and the ramp is now being collared, and the actual underground work will start around the first of February and the first phase is to go down to a vertical depth of 100 metres, which will take a ramp length of about eight or nine hundred metres, and that will get to the high-grade drill hole we hit in December 2006, which ran about 15.4 feet of 50 some ounces.

AO: Do you have interests in other areas right now that you’d like to get into?

JH: In Quebec, not really anything that’s active, we have some other claims which will not be active, no plans at the present time for them. Our main focus will be the Windfall Lake property.

AO: Would you care to comment, what do you think about your current stock price right now? Do you have any comments on that?

JH: (Sigh)Well, not really. We would like to see it higher and we’re trying to raise some more money and bring in a financing partner and we certainly would like to maximize that financing but we’ll certainly hope that we’ll get the results from the drilling early in 2008 will help get the price up higher.

AO: Well, John , those are all the formal questions that I have for you, do you have any final thoughts, anything you’d like to add with us right now?

JH: No, other than that I just hope people realize the potential of the Ring of Fire and that Noront has probably close to 50% of the good ground around that ring and we have lots of excellent anomalies that are similar to Eagle 1 deposit to test so really we think we’re just at the beginning of a large exploration cycle here in the McFauld’s Lake area.

AO: John I want to thank you very much for your time….

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