posted on
May 22, 2008 12:52PM
Don, Thanks for continuing to post an underlying voice of sanity. The one way to surely drive commodity prices to greater extremes is to prevent free market capitalism (higher prices) from driving higher supply. Seems to me the USSR gave up on that approach 30+ years ago. For those holders and former holders of NOT who might listen white-knuckled to the daily CNBC diatribe, Sinclair is pointing out that stilting pricing mechanisms through legislation will always backfire to higher rather than lower prices. Hang tight and hold fast, the commodity plays such as NOT will represent the hardest currency of the future. (One thing the anti-commodity pundits never tell you is that unless those contract speculators own tank farms or grain elevators or metals warehouses, all the physical commodity ends up in the supplier/user market, so speculation will have virtually no net long term price impact.) Of course, in an election year, they all want to offer free beer , now.