On the one hand, I agree with your observation that there has been a slight decline in the stock. However, if you hold a wide base of resource issues, and I will use BHP as a proxy for the resource universe, you will note that stock has gone nowhere in the last several weeks despite what should be massive strength in their energy portfolio and a variety of new deals that did not get any real press. So, the icebergs of value keep growing but not reflected in weekly sp movement. There , you have the biggest (BHP), and close to the smallest (NOT), both mired by a buyer's strike that is fed by the western financial media. Let's hope the "worldwide depression as a cure for commodity inflation" crew keep up the mantra, because it will continue to weaken the USD, as the hopelessness of the US domestic economy takes more casualities in the US corporate and public sector. Down to a single fiscal policy of printing and spending money is a tedious pastime as the latest fed minutes show. The fed is now shut out.
There are a lot of good reasons for NOT to hold news pieces that do not establish a clearly higher value level. And it especially leaves RN holding the latest information keys when dealing with surrounding plays. The enemy is everywhere, so why share the ammunition ?