According to latest press release we had 4 holes grading-1.44%, 2.24%, 1.98%, 1.00%-Nickel, now the rest of the holes were .5 and higher with the exception of a couple so what i'm trying to get at is this.
It has been stated before that it takes .5% nickel and above to produce a mine so we have 4 holes with what would be considered exceptional grade nickel mabe not when compared to DE1 but exceptinal all the same.
So given that it is true .5% nickel and above would be considered economical than press release was not as bad as first thought. Just my thoughts i read in the big score that they drilled a hole that graded 2.96% and beleived this to be very exceptional so if someone with more experience could mabe explain how far out to lunch i'am here that would be great!