This would make me feel good, and while I cannot speak for others, I think the market would respond very favorably :
"We at NOT currently believe that if the resource at Windfall proves to be economic, financial conditions may well dictate that we develop it ourselves rather than sell or JV the deposit. There are many small and highly profitable gold developments, and our exploration expertise would make this a potential growth platform. We would spin this off to make it considerably simpler to maximize each of the base metals and precious metal value models at the ROF.
These latter two resources once proven and inventoried, will not in likelihood be developed by NOT due to the massive expansion of market , financing , operational and dilution risks that such long term "do-it-yourself" developments attract. We will however, due to the recent Chromitite discovery, likely find that the number of aggressively interested development suitors has increased significantly. We see NOT having much greater leverage in negotiations as a result and we would expect to negotiate significant carried interests in both components. If feasible without major time , finance or operational risk, we will consider a joint development.
We will continue to develop and adjust our value vision as the resource expands but believe our strategies must continually reflect world market realities and development risks as well as our core expertise as resource explorers and early stage developers".
Hopefully there is nothing here we do not already know, but its great to hear it from management.