NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: an introspective

an introspective

posted on Jun 24, 2008 01:10PM

in the Uk it's 9:0pm and as I read all the posts of the past week I am saddened by what appears to be disilusionment by some long term NOT holders in the future of Noront and the ability of the senior management to bring this amazing discovery to fruition.

I can appreciate that as the SP is faltering ( my comparison is death by a 1000 cuts) some holders of NOT will start to question the investment. Plthat what he is doing will bring us those NOT holders who have witnessed their investment value decline to almost disastrous levels, are in a catch 22 they can't afford to sell and if the decline continues the deeper they fall into the quagmire. To all of you who are in this dilemma my deepest concerns and thoughts go out to you.

For all of us the question remains "is there light at the end of the tunnel"?. IMHO the only comparison I can give is being in a very deep tunnel with a flashlight where the battery battery is running low. The only hope of finding the exit is to have faith in the leader and follow his lead, whether or not you agree with the direction. In the case of NOT our leader is Richard Nemis he has been here before, he knows his way through the darkened tunnel and he knows that even if the flashlight fails he can guide us to the light and the exit.

A bit corny? you bet it is, but the moral of the above is Richard knows that what he is doing will eventually bring amazing shareholder value to those of us who have the patience and the confidence in his judgement. Am I personally concerned with the present SP, you bet I am. Am I selling? the unequivocable answer is no. Did I think that we would be sitting at around 10-15 by now you bet I did , and the only reason that I can think of that we are not at these levels is that the major market players aren't convinced that the tonnage is there.

Do any of us seriously believe that the heavy hitters who have joined the senior management team did so because Richard is a nice guy. Not a hope in hell, they joined because of two things they received some serious incentives to join and they were convinced that those incentives would be worth a whack of money in the not to distant future. Did they just believe in Richards presentation to them , of course not they did so because the information he shared with them and their own due diligence convinced them that this is a once in a life time opportunity to not only make some serious money but to be in at the start of one of the greatest ore finds in modern history.

Ok enough writing , to those of you who are disilusioned all I can say is re-read the NOT information,read Sedar, read the posts of Canseco, BK , JD , DP and other NOT longs they know of what they speak. If you can possibly hold on do so you will most definitely be rewarded. At the end of the day this will be one amazing story and those of us who are fortunate enough to be there until the conclusion will be witnesses to mining history.

For those who cannot be around until the end, for whatever reason, good luck to you in your future investments. To those NOT longs who are wavering this is the time to tighten the belt, hold on and keep the circle intact.

I apologise for the long post



Jun 24, 2008 08:07PM
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