I had to answer a phone call or two and only heard parts of the show with one ear, so I was confused about a few things and hoping to get some clarification:
1) In talking about the MM's what did the Canadian Banks/Financing have to do with it? The guy being interviewed said he would not do business with companies that do business with Canadian Banks. Isn't it the brokerage houses that are doing the MM, not the banks? What do banks have to gain?
2) Does NOT do business with Canadian banks in the manner he was concerned about?
3) Didn't Jim Cramer all but incriminate himself or was it just me?
4) If they can manipulate Apple and RIM, does it matter how big we pop we will always be victims of MM?
5) It would seem to me that the latest short numbers published on this board, (roughly 300K) seem relatively small compared to the # of shares outstanding, unless the unreported naked shorts are multiplications of this number.