I think there is truth in your post. I was reminded some time ago that no investment pro worth his salt was unaware of NOT. However, awareness doesn't mean belief. We are also subject to the trading industry that targets an emerging stock with a spectacular grade or as with potash an underlying incredible headline. The stock gets traded up, money made, retail investors are left holding higher priced shares waiting for developementsand news to get the value back. Sad part is manipulaters are recognizing the inherent value and are forcing the price down and accumulating. Others are shortselling. It seems the old addage is true that "when you set out to do good, evil is always present" (or something like that.)
The only factual basis to the NOT stock price is what the drills have revealed and the professional interpretation of geolgical processes that knowledgeable people can offer. I am comfortable with my knowledge base on this company to hold for a long time.