I only get time on weekends to really read and digest the content of this forum. Very interesting to say the least. I cannot contribute anything on the geology side, however, I can participate on the IR and investment strategy side.
As group of people whom invested small and significant amounts of dollars into NOT, one must asertain who we are really are. Are you an investor or are you a speculator?
Investors often take a long term approach to anything as it regards money and thier investments.
On the other hand , speculators are often plagued by instant gratification cravings that hit them regularly and often. I've been in the investment business for over 25 years and know this hands down. Speculators love the game, the daily ups and downs. Remember the down days because it makes the up days better. Does this style of earning money create a better return long term. You can debate this until the cows come home, however, from a pure ROR point of view the answer is likely "no". Speculators often use borrowed money, make rash decisions and generally are quick to point out that every investment decision they made often times are the fault of something or someone else. The speculators own worst enemy is themselves. Are often the recipients of "Tips" from people they barely know.
The investor on the other hand, is methodical, prudent and welcomes advise. Rationally thinks through their decisions and has one gift that prevails and that is patience. Investors manage expectations and can easily generate returns annually that are totally satisfactory. Investors make more money off people that have little staying power, low tolerances, margin calls, stop loss order, emotional unstable etc. the list goes on..and on....
As I read through the posts I cannot believe how anyone can sit and report that NOT went up 5 cents in the last hour. Nore can I tolerate the misleading or il-informed people who actually put money into this thing without at least digging a bit. These comments by "many" are very evident.
Noront Resources will take time to unfold the story. This company is still a tier 2 junior, with a reasonably good find thus far. Strong assets, good managment, recently good hiring of talent. It has had issues, but what company hasn't?
Myself personally, I've invested over $60m in NOT at an average price of $4.91, so, yes I'm offside. does it bother me, somewhat, I'm I going to sell, not likely. Am I going to sell when it hits five bucks, no. Why, because the "turtle' always wins the race. NOT will likely gain appreciation over the months and maybe years slowly. I'm totally OK with that.
Have a great week end everyone.......Fast