from the bombshell Richard Nemis dropped the other day, in my mind. We are being "put in our place" by the big boys who now say, "Oh yeah? Ya think ya can go it alone, Mr. Nemis? We'll show you who's boss" and off to work they go cratering the SP.
The only bright side I can see to this is RN already knows how the next chapter goes. because he's the one writing the book. So even though everything looks bleak, he might very well have expected this temporary setback, but he might know full well the ball will be in HIS court in the very near term.
My hope is this: seeing as this is a very similar drop compared to last summer's drop, does that mean we're going to see a ten-bagger again when we recover from the SP lows? We've got a bit more behind us in SP this time around, than last year.