NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

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ICDA Members Information

Statistical Bulletin - 2008 Edition
This year, the Statistical Bulletin will be slightly behind schedule due to figures missing from China. Members will be informed as soon as it becomes available from the website.

Chromium Ore and Ferrochromium Production

Tata Steel to start second ferrochromium furnace at Richards Bay
Somdeb Banerjee, MD of Tata Steel South Africa, says that the company is planning to commission a second ferrochromium furnace at its Richards Bay smelter during July. The 75.5 kt/y furnace will reach full capacity about a month-and- a-half after it comes into production. The first furnace is operating at 90% of capacity but both furnaces will eventually run at 100% capacity. Because the operation only started up in April, it is unlikely that Tata will use its full year allocation of 90% of its energy units. He made no comment on power supplies for 2009. Metal Bulletin Weekly, 14 July 2998, p 10.

Metal Bulletin pricing announcement
Metal Bulletin is considering resuming publication of chromium ore prices. The following grades of chromium ore have been suggest for price quotes:
Chrome ore SA friable lumpy basis 40%
Chrome ore SA LG6 Met grade basis 42%
Chrome ore SA UG2 Met grade basis 40%
Comments on these proposals are invited by emailing editorial@metalbulletin.com
Metal Bulletin Daily, 15 July 2008, p 3.

Chromium metal continues to rise on ore price and strong demand
Traders report that prices for chromium metal are continuing to rise on the back of continuing high chromium ore prices and strong demand from super-alloy producers. The price of aluminothermic chromium rose to $13,200-$13,600/t in warehouse Rotterdam from $13,000-$13,400/t previously. Some traders are predicting that the price will reach $14,000/t. Others, however, are sceptical as to whether the metal can sustain the current high prices. They cite the recent stagnation in the price of extra low-carbon ferrochromium, which has lessened chromium metal’s attractiveness as a substitute. The price of extra-low, 0.015%-0.03% C, ferrochromium remains at around $5.50/lb and demand is low. Metal Bulletin Daily Metal, 16 July 2008.

Ronnie Barnard resigns as IFM chief operating officer
International Ferro Metals’ (IFM) chief operating officer and board member Ronnie Barnard has resigned from the company with immediate effect. The resignation comes after rumours of management changes began circulating at the recent Ferro Alloys conference held in South Africa. Barnard will be replaced by Hannes Visser of Hernic Ferrochrome, whose job title will be General Manager Operations. Willie Bester, who has been appointed manager Operations, is also joining the company from Hernic. Metal Bulletin Daily, 17 July 2008, p 3.

Stainless Steel and Stainless Steel Scrap Industries

Stainless pipe, tube imports slump in first six months
American Metal Market reports that US stainless steel pipe and tube imports fell dramatically in the first five months of 2008, according to the latest figures from the US Census Bureau. Between January and May, 53.36 kt of stainless pipe and tube products were imported, down 24.1% from 70.32 kt for the same period in 2007. A drop-off in certain drilling operations using stainless pipe and tube, combined with importers’ fears of a trade case, were key factors in the reduced imports. In addition, the unstable price of nickel and the increase in the price of ferrochromium have also impacted on buying. The Census Bureau noted that imports of other stainless steel products increased in the first five months of 2008 compared with 2007. Examples given were hot rolled sheet which more than doubled to 14.32 kt from 6.5 kt, and imports of cold rolled sheet, which increased by 14.4% to 165.1 kt from 144.3 kt in 2007. Metal Bulletin Daily Steel, 15 July 2008.

UK stainless scrap prices fall as demand weakens
Weakening demand over the past two weeks has seen stainless steel scrap prices in the UK fall by ₤30 to ₤1120-₤1150/t for 18/8 solids. European prices are maintaining previous prices of around $2400/t cif with some merchants reporting slightly higher prices of around $2400-$2489/t for 18/8 solids. There is speculation that demand will pick up in October, but the big question remains the price of nickel, currently trading at around $21,645/t on the LME, significantly lower than the $28,950 level achieved in April. Metal Bulletin Daily, 16 July 2008, p 6.

Lockley Stainless adds new decoiling and coil processing line
Lockley Stainless has installed a new fully automated decoiling and coil process line at its new facilities in Wolverhampton, UK. An automated coating process will add an optional polythene coating to the sheets to meet specific customer requirements. The line is expected to be completed and commissioned by the end of the summer. The line is part of Lockley’s plan to establish a new UK stainless steel processing centre. Metal Bulletin Daily Steel, 16 July 2008.

Economic Indicators

BHP’s Rio bid faces 90-day EU probe
The European Commission has extended its probe into the proposed take-over of Rio Tinto by BHP Billiton, citing “serious” concerns about the impact the deal may have on European buyers of iron ore, coal, uranium, aluminium and mineral sands. The steel industry is extremely concerned about the proposed take-over and has welcomed the in-depth investigation of the $163 billion deal, which should be completed by 11 November. The Commission will pay particular attention to ensure that the take-over does not adversely affect competition in Europe. US anti-trust authorities have already indicated that they would not object to the merger. Metal Bulletin Weekly, 14 July 2008, p 16.

Stockpile shift likely to entail legislative changes
The US Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA’s) plans to reconfigure its metals stockpiles could require legislative changes that will take until next year to come into force. The DLA’s stockpiles are currently under review by a Defense Department working group that will submit its recommendations to Congress by the end of November on whether a change is necessary. The DLA’s current procedures for selling off material are also being reviewed, along with proposals to introduce a new management system that will assess the armed forces stockpile requirements on a yearly basis as opposed to the current requirement of bi-annual reports. One ferro-alloys trader speculates that if the Defense Department decides to stop tenders for some metals and even to become a buyer, then the market in certain ferro-alloys, which is already tight, could become even tighter. Metal Bulletin Daily, 17 July 2008, p 3.

Conferences and Publications

11th World Stainless Steel Conference
21-23 September 2008, Hilton Hotel, Brussels, Belgium.
Contact: Marilyn Portner, Tel. +44 20 7903 2402, Fax. +44 20 7903 2432, Email: crumetalsevents@crugroup.com

Steel & the Environment – Carbon Abatement and Trading
29-30 September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London, UK.
Metal Bulletin Events, Tel. +44 (0) 20 7779 8989, Fax. +44 (0) 20 7779 8294, Email: marketing@metalbulletin.com, website: www.metalbulletin.com/events/fa

1st International Course on the Health Risk Assessment of Metals, Their Alloys and Compounds under REACH
29 September-1 October 2008, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland.
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Tel.+358 30 4741, Fax. +358 9 477 3149,
Website for course programme: www.ttl.fi/internet/english/training
Send registration details to koulutusinfo@ttl.fi no later than 31 July 2008.
Course fee is €950.
Course leader: Sirpa Huuskonen, email: sirpa.huuskonen@ttl.fi
Course secretary: Niina Karinen, email: niina.karinen@ttl.fi

World Scrap Metal Congress 2008
3-5 November 2008, Intercontinental Pudong Shanghai, China.
For details visit: http://www.terrapinn.com/2008/scrap/

24th International Ferro-Alloys Conference
4-6 November 2008, Hilton Hotel, Athens, Greece.
Metal Bulletin Events, Tel. +44 (0) 20 7779 8989, Fax. +44 (0) 20 7779 8294, Email: marketing@metalbulletin.com, website: www.metalbulletin.com/events/fa

7th International Stainless & Special Steel Summit
10-12 November 2008, Hotel Los Monteros, Marbella, Spain.
Metal Bulletin Events, Tel. +44 (0) 20 7779 8989, Fax. +44 (0) 20 7779 8294, Email: conferences@metalbulletin.com, Website: www.metalbulletin.com/events

Kazakhstan Metals and Mining Conference
10-12 November 2008, Inter-Continental Hotel, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Metal Bulletin Events, Tel. +44 (0) 20 7779 8989, Fax. +44 (0) 20 7779 8294, Email: conferences@metalbulletin.com, Website: www.metalbulletin.com/events

2-5 December 2008, Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, India.
The preliminary programme and registration form will be available as of 18 August 2008 from: www.icdachromium.com/cr2008.

Metal Producers of the World Directory 2008 – Book and CD-ROM, 4th edition
Company information and contact details for major non-ferrous and ferro-alloy works, smelters and refineries. Price: ₤611.
Metal Bulletin Books, Tel. +44 (0) 20 7779 7999,
Fax. +44 (0) 20 7246 5200, Email: enquiries@metalbulletin.com
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