Feb 25/08....Eagle two landed
May 9/08....last of Eagle one drill results
May 27/08....the first of drill results from eagle 2
July 4/08....NI 43-101 for Eagle one (less than two months after the final drill results from eagle 1)...nice work
It only took 2 months to come up with the resource estimate for eagle 1 after the final drill results
It seems we have more holes drilled into eagle 2 than what we had in eagle one...it would seem they have more information returned than what they are disclosing at this time...perhaps it is taking time to interpret the information....we can only speculate
Is it possible that they have started on a NI 43-101 for eagle 2....maybe with the long delay in drill results we get an initial resource estimate....at the very least I think the market would like to see more information with regards to the value added in relation to the chromite
Whatever is going on....mums the word so it seems
Last week indications were that RN would give a personal interview....this week that seems to have all changed....we can only speculate why....are there questions he can not address at this time....is someone else behind silencing RN....at this point we can only speculate
One can do all the DD they want....with nobody talking.....all we can do is speculate
I do like the fact that Genuity came out and maintained their $7 target...the comment on AT6 was interesting as well....do they perhaps know more than what we know at this point....we can only speculate....one thing they were certainly right about is that this play is highly speculative