people of this forum have backgrounds of all sorts, but hardly any has the expertise to deal with the economics related to development of a mine in the ROF area. Most people are optimists and they see if from their own experience and expertise. These people can't be blamed for being super optimists since they have no actual experience in the field.
Other people have been involved in related projects and have a much more realistic view of tasks at hand, and the tremendous costs and time frames usually associated with such base metal developments.
Both groups of people can be perfectly honest in what they write, but at times they talk 2 different languages because of the very different backgrounds. Since most people have no mining experience and very little related knowledge, these people will be in majority and tend to dominate in terms of numbers of postings etc. People with more realistic points of view are a small minority. It is not that they are against this development, it is just that they tend to focus more on obsticles, cost, practicallities etc since lots of projects fail because of that.
As I have said before, because of the tremendous potential but also because of the tremendous challenges, this will take a long time to sort itself out.