Prudent advice indeed Newbers.
For the record, I have also heard that the Chromite might be north of $30 billion. Having said that, at this point it is all hearsay. It would be wonderful if substantiated.
To put the $30 billion in perspective:
The specifc gravity of the Chromite ore is 4.6 tonnes per cubic metre. As per Noront's most recent presentation/update, Chromite can be sold for between $350.00 and $750.00 per tonne depending on its type and grade. Therefore, in order to state that we have $30 billion, we would need between 8.6MM and 18.6MM cubic metres. (If in fact the $350 & $750 is for unprocessed ore. We would require much more is these dollar values represent processed Cr203) With the exploration to date, this claim is a little premature me thinks.