Gradually, the broader market will come to realize that management is conducting on ongoing marketing effort with the various majors who have a long term strategic interest in chrome as well as the other base and PGM metals. This process will be extremely filtered with fewer and fewer (the largest and most diversified) outfits as the size and long term strategic nature of the deposit grows from an ice-cube into an iceberg. It will not happen quickly, and while that is in the interest of small shareholders, it will make the stock price somewhat volatile on the way up. The fact that the stock price bottomed above $2 tells a lot about how many knowledgeable players are watching this closely. The 43-101 will bring more buyers as the realization sets in that this is huge and REAL. We were still hearing "fear of another Bre-X" as a reason for weakness. and now we simply have the broader lmarket and liquidity issues to deal with. A BHP is not concerned long term about the Fed/ECB doing the backstroke in a thimble sized washtub. Have lots of patience and faith in management.