NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Table of all hole visuals to date

Table of all hole visuals to date

posted on Aug 26, 2008 05:57PM

Please find below a table of all hole visuals that have been N/R'ed since E2 landed on February 25/08.

All visual descriptions are taken directly from the N/R's. The holes that are highlighted in blue are holes that we have received assays for already. Any blank on the table means that we have not been provided that information.

This table will assist in determining how many assays are outstanding and potentially what we might expect from these forthcoming assays. Obviously, this table does not include any holes that have not been N/R'ed to date.



NOT-08-1G1 AT1 2-Apr 282 NIL
NOT-08-1G4 AT1 2-Apr 144 NIL
NOT-08-1G5 AT1 2-Apr 300 NIL
NOT-08-1G7 AT1 2-Apr 312 NIL
NOT-08-1G2 AT2 2-Apr 239 39.0 42.0 3.0 sulphides Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G3 AT2 2-Apr 200 42.3 46.7 4.4 sulphides Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G6 AT2 2-Apr 348 113.2 131.0 17.8 sulphides Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G8 AT2 2-Apr 336 121.5 129.5 8.0 sulphides Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G9 AT2 2-Apr 309 229.0 249.0 20.0 Chromite beds
NOT-08-1G11 AT2 2-Apr 324 NIL
NOT-08-1G13 AT2 2-Apr 306 NIL
NOT-08-1G15 AT2 2-Apr 195 NIL
NOT-08-1G16 AT2 2-Apr 186 NIL
NOT-08-1G17 AT2 2-Apr 267 137.0 144.0 7.0 sulphides Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G17 AT2 2-Apr 267 194.6 243.0 48.4 Chromite beds
NOT-08-1G20 AT2 2-Apr 288 144.0 165.0 21.0 sulphides Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G20 AT2 2-Apr 288 246.5 285.6 39.1 Chromite beds
NOT-08-1G21 AT2 2-Apr 169.5 190.1 20.6 sulphides Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G10 AT3 2-Apr 281 24.9 96.0 71.1 minor sulphides w/cpy
NOT-08-1G12 AT3 2-Apr 309 204.0 237.0 33.0 no significant assays
NOT-08-1G14 AT3 2-Apr 228 216.9 225.9 9.0 1-2% sulphides w/cpy
NOT-08-1G18 AT3 2-Apr 405 288.0 362.0 74.0 1-5% sulphides w/cpy
NOT-08-1G22 E2 27-May 303 199.0 211.1 12.1 some Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G24 E2 27-May 372 191.2 200.3 9.1 py, po, minor Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G24 E2 27-May 372 295.8 312.1 16.3 int. Cr. Beds
NOT-08-1G24 E2 27-May 372 312.1 368.2 56.1 massive Cr. Beds
NOT-08-1G25 E2 27-May 447 218.8 229.3 10.5 minor Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G25 E2 27-May 447 349.5 372 22.5 sulphides, py, po
NOT-08-1G25 E2 27-May 447 372.0 386.0 14.0 int. Cr. Beds
NOT-08-1G25 E2 27-May 447 386.0 417.0 31.0 massive chromite
NOT-08-1G19 AT3 27-May 471 assays pending
NOT-08-1G23 AT3 27-May 294 assays pending
NOT-08-1G26 AT3 27-May 222 assays pending
NOT-08-1G27 AT3 27-May 411 assays pending
NOT-08-1G30 AT4 27-May 549 minor py, po
NOT-08-1G33 AT4 27-May 15 abandoned
NOT-08-1G34 AT4 27-May 387 minor py, po
NOT-08-1G29 AT8 27-May 303 no significant mineral
NOT-08-1G28 E2 27-May 432 353.3 364.5 11.2 int. Cr. Beds
NOT-08-1G28 E2 27-May 432 364.5 413.0 48.5 massive chromite
NOT-08-1G28 E2 27-May 432 413.0 424.0 11.0 int. Cr. Beds
NOT-08-1G31 E2 27-May 453 336.7 341.6 4.9 int. Cr. Beds
NOT-08-1G31 E2 27-May 453 341.6 410.8 69.2 massive chromite
NOT-08-1G32 E2 27-May 594 494 494.1 0.1 Chromite bed
NOT-08-2G01 AT12 17-Jul 240 95.85 99.58 3.73 semi-massive po, pn, cpy
NOT-08-2G01 AT12 17-Jul 240 99.58 122.84 23.26 dissemin. Sulphides
NOT-08-2G01 AT12 17-Jul 240 122.8 129.5 6.7 int. dis.&semi-mass. Po, pn, cpy
NOT-08-2G01 AT12 17-Jul 240 139.5 169.0 29.5 minor sulphides
NOT-08-2G02 AT12 17-Jul 308 147.0 213.0 66.0 dissemin. Sulphides
NOT-08-2G02 AT12 17-Jul 308 213 242.2 29.2 int. dis.&semi-mass. Po, pn, cpy
NOT-08-2G03 AT12 17-Jul in progress
NOT-08-1G42 AT2 17-Jul 459.7 340.6 352.5 11.9 po, mt, Cu-Ni (No Chr)
NOT-08-1G42 AT2 17-Jul 459.7 425.4 426.8 1.4 semi-massive (No Chr)
NOT-08-1G43 AT2 17-Jul 630 293.9 302.5 8.6 po, Cu-Ni
NOT-08-1G43 AT2 17-Jul 630 444.2 481.3 37.1 chrome beds
NOT-08-1G43 AT2 17-Jul 630 482.4 496.3 13.9 massive chrome
NOT-08-1G45 AT2 17-Jul 357 lost hole
NOT-08-1G47 AT2 17-Jul 669 549.1 554.9 5.8 chrome beds
NOT-08-1G48 AT2 17-Jul 15 abandoned
NOT-08-1G49 AT2 17-Jul 248 no significant mineral
NOT-08-1G51 AT2 17-Jul 645 408.7 410 1.3 po, Cu-Ni (No Chr)
NOT-08-1G51 AT2 17-Jul 645 561.5 565.8 4.3 po, Cu (No Chr)
NOT-08-1G52 AT2 17-Jul 708 394.0 398.0 4.0 mt, py, po, Cu
NOT-08-1G52 AT2 17-Jul 708 402.0 406.5 4.5 po, py, Cu
NOT-08-1G52 AT2 17-Jul 708 578.5 579.5 1.0 chrome bed
NOT-08-1G41 AT5 17-Jul 33
NOT-08-1G44 AT5 17-Jul 351
NOT-08-1G46 AT5 17-Jul 291
NOT-08-1G50 AT6 17-Jul 651 409.8 419.6 9.8 stringers py, po, cpy
NOT-08-1G53 AT6 17-Jul 357 270 289.62 19.6 stringers py, po, cpy
NOT-08-1G53 AT6 17-Jul 357 300 302.3 2.3 bands py, po, cpy
NOT-08-1G54 AT6 17-Jul 309 238.4 254.1 15.7 stringers py, po, cpy
NOT-08-1G57 BB2 30-Jul 418.3 152.5 170.4 17.9 semi to mass. Chr.
NOT-08-1G57 BB2 30-Jul 418.3 173.3 188.5 15.2 diss. To mass Chr.
NOT-08-1G57 BB2 30-Jul 418.3 362.5 417.7 55.2 int. chr. Layers, dis. To mass.
NOT-08-1G59 BB2 30-Jul 395 127.6 129.6 2.0 diss. Chromite
NOT-08-1G59 BB2 30-Jul 395 175.6 177.1 1.5 diss. To mass Chr.
NOT-08-1G59 BB2 30-Jul 395 273 283.2 10.2 massive chromite
NOT-08-1G59 BB2 30-Jul 395 292.5 294.2 1.7 massive chromite
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